
Thoughts are the key to living in this world wether they tend to be positive or negative we need them all as we need physical things as food and water... dont hesitate to share yours or feel!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

bad new years luck

Last new years I almost lose my life. This new year my brother loses his. This is jus 2 years in a row but damn. I always here
Bad luck comes in threes so what the hell can happen to me next year. Out of all the things I been through
I'm actually a really calm person sometime I lose my cool but who don't. I'm getting more and more into god I am hoping 4 answers
There but my keyword in that is hope because that's all you canb do when somethinbg is no longer able to be controlled by you. But I guess ill find out til then another blog to the rescue! Haa

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